Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ouch -_-


It was our P.E. yesterday! hoozah! I love wall climbing! yay~ ... But when I climbed the blue wall it took me like.. YEARS!~_~ Man! My arms hurt sooo much! I need practice! tsss !!! I'm having a hard time typing (poor me) ... anyway.. GAH! There's this Korean dude who keeps on harassing me!!! It's like.. keep your hands off me fool! hahaha! man ~_~ that dude irritates me a LOT! ***snarl*** . . . ooohhh!!! hahaha! lemme tell yah something JUICY! bohahaha! There's this guy! ....................................................................................... well.. that's it! :)) I don't have any love going on in my life right now! hahaha! tsk tsk.. we're too young! RIGHT? give me a woot woot! :) Study First Before .. Everything else! hahaha! What!? since I'm a 3rd year student.. it's kinda getting more serious in here! *sniff sniff*

hahaha.. hmmm.. So lemme tell yah something that's really important.. we're all getting older, life is becoming harder, we need to be more serious, It's less fun... but we can escape from it all by doing something we love to do! :) In my case. . it's cosplaying.. :D just think about it... we only have one life and it's like.. uber short! Might as well have fun with it! ^_^ *so if I ever hear one of you'z guyz saying that I'm just cosplaying for the pictures then I'll, I'll... (squeaky grandma voice) hahaha! just kidding! ^_^ hahaha... oh my gosh, you guyz might think this is boring.. " she's all yaddah yaddah yah!" "blah blah blah"... well! not anymore! I have something juicy! REALLY!!! but it's just a secret (labo)... There will be a convention on July 12 in Mall Of Asia! I'll be cosplaying Konata from Lucky Star!!! SEE Yah There!!! XD


Anonymous said...

Geez, that guy you're talking about's kinda like my American dude. :| :O But, he stopped already, thank God. XD :]]

Good luck, girl. =))

Jeri said...

thanks. ~_~